Our Service Department
Welcome to our Service Department
Latest Tools & Technology | Certified Technicians | Continuous Training | OEM Parts
Whether you are coming to us for an oil change or vehicle service, you can be confident that your vehicle is being checked for the latest product updates, worn components and, most importantly, fixed the right way!
Save Time with Technology
The BEST Place To Buy Your Tires
You'll always find the lowest price on all-season tires at Edmundston Honda, GARANTEE!! Shop for Tires
Lifetime Brake Pad Guarantee
Purchase and install select Genuine Honda replacement brake pads at Edmundston Honda and we will provide future replacement brake pads for the same brake component system at no charge, for as long as you own the vehicle. Contact us for more details
Our team is committed to providing you with convenient, competitive, worry-free service. After all, no one knows your Honda better than a Honda Dealer. We can handle everything from routine maintenance to more substantial repairs. We understand what you car need and we will help you drive your car for many years to come!